Feed Item


As we have mentioned last year, 'Dailycast Syndicated News' will be changing to 'Dailycast Newstalk Radio' in January 2025. That means Dailycast will be its own entity and no longer be the news service provider.

The switch was made. You may have already noticed or you may not have. The transition was seamless. For radio stations getting their news, you're now getting it under the name of 'Radio Guild News Service.' No change in services, no change in format, no change in billing. You may not have even noticed that the website changed from dailycast.news to theradioguild.com.

If everything stayed the same, why the name change? Dailycast is now its own radio station. Programming will change within its own structure. Because there will be opinion programming in the new radio format, online and social; we wanted to make sure this does not affect any of the affiliates. Many of the opinions may or may not be the opinion of the radio station; there will be third-party shows, calls and comments that may or may not reflect affiliate radio stations. That's why the breakaway occurred.

For affiliates using the live stream, that will remain the same with all tags changing under the name "Latest News Headlines." This has been the case for the past few years. Any Dailycast News tags or promos will be updated to reflect the name "Latest News Headlines" which is basically white-labeled to sound like client's news.

So in summary, everything is remaining the same except for the service name.

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